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One can go faster, but one team can go further -Jingxin Team Building Activity Organized on 4th,Jun

With the corporate culture of pursuing excellence, solidarity & cooperation, and exceeding yourself, every year Jingxin organizes several times of team- building activities. This time the event that Jingxin organizes team-building activity is held on 4 th of Jun 2021. To enhance the cooperation of the staff, this activity has 3 segments:

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1st – Contest of Each Group

The staff is divided into different groups, each group should take part in the contests according to the trainer’s orders, in the end, the group with the highest score is the winner after finishing all competitions.

Firstly each group should create its own logo, slogan, song, and queue in 10 minutes, and must work together to exploit their wisdom to figure it out in a short time. Facing the challenge, everyone actively participates for accomplishing well.

During the competition, each one plays a very important role in the team, no slacking off, no distraction, otherwise it must impact the outcome, besides that, each one tries to finish his/her task as best as possible, finally only each group uniting together can help the team beat the opponents. From the contest, we can learn the lesson for our daily work, as design RF passive components, we should exert each one’s advantage, focus on the goal of customer-center, the cooperation to make out the outstanding components for the clients. Having the concept of solidarity, Jingxin can support our clients to achieve more business, and develop much better as well.

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2nd – Talent Show

Talent-show is a wonderful section, which is a good chance to present each group’s talent and originality. For fun and appealing, each one devotes their creative idea and performs what we are good at, which reaps much more laugher during the process. Once we have positive attitude to stay collected on each thing, we may gain more than our expecting.

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3rd – Bonfire Party

Bonfire party is relaxing time, each one dances for relief ourselves well. Just do it naturally without pressure nor competition, perform our potential for nothing.

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All in all, everyone enjoys such kind of team building activity, which is worth for us to have another one in future. During the process of activity it really strengthens the cooperation with each other, let us keep in mind that one can go faster, but one team can go further. So we should keep on executing such kind concept of cooperation on designing and producing the exceptional RF passive components to our clients as well.